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Showing posts from May, 2017

A Quick Overview of Shabbat (a.k.a. the Sabbath)

Challah  bread for Shabbat. What exactly  is Shabbat, and why do we need to keep it?  What is it all about? When is Shabbat? The first time we read about Shabbat (also known as the Sabbath) is in Genesis 2:2-3 , when HaShem blesses and sanctifies the seventh day as a day of rest.  This seventh day is Saturday, since Yeshua rose from the grave on the first day of the week ( Mark 16:9 ), which we acknowledge as Sunday. Days in the Bible are counted from sunset to sunset ( Genesis 1:5 ), so Shabbat, the seventh day, would be from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. What do we do on Shabbat? The Shabbat was meant to be a rest for all living things, human beings and animals alike ( Exodus 20:10 ).  On it we should do no work. But what is work?  There are many different interpretations of this word.  Some say that "no work" means "no creative  work", since HaShem rested from creating the world .  We do know, however, that kindling fire and g